Our Archive

We’ve been an active Sculpture Garden, Workshop Space and Gallery in Mallorca Since 2011. We started out in Establiments where we hosted exhibitions in our high ceiled studio and garden just outside of Palma. Underneath the studio we had a Workshop space where we organised drawing classes for children, masterclasses in sculpting or painting for all ages and levels and artist collaborations amongst many other things. Attached to the workshop, you would find our sculpture garden, filled with art by local and international artists.

Besides our local events and workshops, we also take our artists in residence around the world and have exhibited their works in the United Kingdom (Hannah Peschar Sculpture Garden, Studio 91), The Hague (Pulchri Studios) and Japan (Gallery EM) amongst others.

Here you can find everything Palmyra Sculpture Centre has been up to and involved in over the past years, in one place.

Yke Prins | Pulchri Studio, The Hague

Exhibition “Fites de La Musica” | James Lambourne | Pulchri Studios, The Hague

Yke Prins | Olive Wood Exhibition |  Casal Solleric, Mallorca

Yke Prins | Olive Wood Exhibition |  Casal Solleric, Mallorca

Flamenco Night | Concert by Mary Lambourne and Albert Garcia | Palmyra Sculpture Centre

Diego Nebot | Emoto Jewellery

Women & Water Exhibition | Liesbeth Bijwaard | Beatriz Blanch | Jacqueline Bohlmeijer | Caterina Bonnín | Petra Boshart | Catalina Carrasco | Isabel Coixet | Astrid Colomar | Diane Dicker | Margalida Escalas | Fanny Galera | Betty Gold | Tamu Gollmer | Anne de Harlez | Katrin Kirk | Mary Lambourne | Antoinette LeRoy | Isabela Lleó | María Oriza | Yke Prins | Maria Sezer | Mariana Vassileva | Yannick Vu | Babet Wentink | Ien van Wierst | Carmen Zuasti

Sound of Colours | Hannah Peschar Sculpture Garden

Art & Nature Workshop | James Lambourne

Workshop Palmyra Platos

Sculpture Network Dialogue Palmyra Sculpture Centre | Mallorca 2022

Visit Artists Studios with Palmyra

Palmyra Workshop | Yke Prins

Palmyra Workshop | Marianne van den Heuvel, Mallorca

Colours of Water | Joan Costa in Gallery 9 "Amsterdam

Palmyra Open Day

Palmyra Summer 2013 Opening

Quicksilver Martín Mas

Workshops Palmyra

Workshop Stone Carving

The Art of Music | Concert by Liza Lo

Resonance | Gallery EM | Nagasaki, Japan

Fites De La Musica | James Lambourne | Improvisations on Fites De La Musica

Fragments Exhibition | James Lambourne | Kunsträume der Michael Horbach Stiftung Cologne, Germany

Purchase Prints | Fites De La Musica | James    Lambourne

Performance “Shower” by Catalina Carrasco | Palmyra Sculpture Centre, Mallorca

Sculpture Network New Year’s Brunch

Finisage Exhibition | Herbert Hundrich, James Lambourne, Tamu Gollmer and Liesbeth Bijwaard  | Palmyra Sculpture Centre

Joan Costa |  Exhibition in The Gallery  London and Hannah Peschar Sculpture Centre

Objects & Graphics Exhibition | Palmyra Sculpture Centre

Blau, Blauw, Blue | Joan Costa Exhibition | Palmyra Sculpture Centre

Masterclas Ñaco Fabre

Workshop “Land Art” | Herbert Hundrich

Presentation Kiem | Yke Prins |  Palmyra Sculpture Centre

Collective Exhibition Insula | Fundació Cultural Coll Bardolet

Photo Presentation Joan Costa | Alga infinita in Australia & New Zealand

Projection of the documentary ‘Aral, the lost sea’ by Isabel Coixet | Palmyra Sculpture Centre

Joan Costa |  Exhibition Castillo Hotel Son Vida

Joan Costa | Purchase Alga Infinita

Children Workshops |

Tai Chi | Maestro Fausto | Palmyra Sculpture Centre