Exhibition Objects & Graphics

The Foundation Palmyra Sculpture Centre presents the group exhibition ‘Objects & Graphics’ opened the past 1st of december 2012 and closing on the 1st of february 2013.

Palmyra sculpture centre presents Objects & Graphics, a group exhibition where a close relationship between objects and graphic works is established. Etchings, drawings, photographs, sculptures, installations and readymades are some of the works created by local and international artists. Liesbeth Bijwaard, Manuel Calvo, Isabel Castro Jung, Ricard Chiang, Joan Costa, Ñaco Fabré, Betty Gold, Tamu Gollmer, Rene Gonkel, Anne de Harlez, Hundrich, Katrin Kirk, Marise knegtmans, James Lambourne, Mary Lambourne, Julio León, Isabela Lleó, Lluís Oller and Ien van Wierst introduce us in an exhibition where the three-dimensional and two-dimensional image complement each other to approach us to the speech and aesthetics of artists collaborating Palmyra.