Women & Water

09 | 03 | 2013 · 28 | 04 | 2013

Women & Water, which is part of the Festival Miradas de Mujeres, brings together female artists who develop works related to femininity and water, both considered elements of fertility and sources of life.

In 2002 the United Nations declared a human right the access to clean water, since then we have continued wasting and making a bad use of this vital liquid. Women are the most affected by water scarcity and its inequitable distribution; in many societies they play a key role in the extraction and distribution of this important and essential element of our environment.

Liesbeth Bijwaard | Beatriz Blanch | Jacqueline Bohlmeijer | Caterina Bonnín | Petra Boshart | Catalina Carrasco | Isabel Coixet | Astrid Colomar | Diane Dicker | Margalida Escalas | Fanny Galera | Betty Gold | Tamu Gollmer | Anne de Harlez | Katrin Kirk | Mary Lambourne | Antoinette LeRoy | Isabela Lleó | María Oriza | Yke Prins | Maria Sezer | Mariana Vassileva | Yannick Vu | Babet Wentink | Ien van Wierst | Carmen Zuasti


09 | March | 2013

17.00 | Opening

19.00 |  Performance by Catalina Carrasco ‘Shower’

22 March | World Water Day

20.00  Projection of the documentary ‘Aral, the lost sea’ by Isabel Coixet

In collaboration with We are Water Foundation

20.30  The Water Debate