Yke Prins in the Casal Solleric

Yke Prins
Olive Wood
Courtyard of the Casal Solleric
4 · 14 September 2014
Opening 4 September 2014

Dutch sculptor Yke Prins (Delft, 1961) came to Mallorca on the invitation of Palmyra Sculpture Centre to research the possibilities of using olive wood as a material for her sculptures. She spent weeks exploring the island, photographing innumerable trees and eventually discovered her favourite spot in the area of Orient. The special light of Mallorca and the intricate shapes of the olive trees became the inspiration for the new series of drawings, ink paintings and woodcut prints presented here. During her second visit, Prins worked on her olive wood sculpture “Embracing Generations” that intuitively became a symbol of regrowth, upon her discovery that new olive trees grow from dead wood. When contemplating the work of Yke Prins, one becomes aware of the blend of human and natural elements that make up her sculptures. Her tactile perception of space connects with our own senses in a direct and specific way. More work by Yke Prins can be found in Palmyra Sculpture Centre. She will also be organising two workshops on ‘Drawing Nature’ in September and October.